Photo Confessions: Remember and Remain Optimistic

Photo of the Empire State Building from Lower Manhattan during the blackout.

It's been a while for photo confessions, but this week I thought I restart the trend channeling a more serious tone than this blog is used to. Given the recent events of the week in Boston, Texas and around the world - it is important to remember to be thankful for what you have and if hard times are upon you - remain optimistic!

Last year, New York was rocked by hurricane Sandy, leaving most downtown residents literally in the dark (the photo above was taken on my daily walk home from a friend's place uptown - I stayed in my powerless apartment at night - and yes it was that dark). Now, months later, while most Americans are focused on other things, many people in the hardest hit areas of New York and New Jersey are still feeling the effects. Similarly, when the newscasters stop reporting on the developments of the Boston marathon, I know many in Boston will not forget where they were on that day. So, on this Friday afternoon, be thankful, remember those lost and remain optimistic. I leave you with the words of Maya Angelou...

You may shoot me with your words,

You may cut me with your eyes,

You may kill me with your hatefulness,

But still, like air, I'll still rise

An excerpt from I Still Rise, by Maya Angelou
